We Want to Share Your Story

Welcome to our inaugural Seed Your Future BLOG. In March 2016, we announced the launch of Seed Your Future, and shared our vision to promote horticulture and encourage more people to pursue careers working with plants. Since then, we’ve been conducting research, developing plans of action, and partnering with hundreds of organizations – all to bring us to today.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our education, outreach, and PR plans in January 2018. We are tackling the decline in interest in horticulture with a multi-faceted plan of action. Read about our vision here.

We know this is a passionate industry. We know that horticulture is life itself. However, most Americans don’t know it. And, according to our focus group research, most kids don’t even know the word “horticulture.”  What we need to do is tell our story in a way that resonates with young people, their parents, and their teachers.


If you can say “#ILoveMyPlantJob,“ we invite you to join us. 

There are many ways to get involved – which you can check out on our volunteer opportunities page. But there’s something you can do today.  We want to know your plant career story.  We want to share your story through this BLOG, through our social media campaigns, and through materials we are creating with Scholastic® to reach every middle-schooler in America.  If you’re willing to share your story, simply download our profile sheet, complete it and send it back to us.

It is only by sharing the stories of those who love their jobs working with plants that we can hope to inspire others to join the industry, become #FutureGreenCollar workers, and help us improve the word through plants.

We promise to keep you posted through our BLOG. We intend to make 2018 the year that changes the trajectory of decline in interest in horticulture!

Anna C. Ball, President, Ball Horticultural Company
Paul R. Redman, President and CEO, Longwood Gardens

Co-Chairs of Seed Your Future