Bring the exciting world of plants right into your home, classroom or virtual classroom. Explore our plant-based DIY videos, then download the instructions and get started building your plant power today!
Create Your Own Plantable Paper From Recycled Paper
Use recycled paper to make your own plantable paper by adding seeds and decorating with flowers.
Make Your Own Lip Balm with Plants
Protecting our skin is just one of the powers of plants! Make your own lip balm using ingredients derived from plants.
Explore Plant Fermentation
See how different enzymes affect the plant fermentation process.
Exploring Natural Dyeing with Vegetables
Use vegetables – like beets, parsley, spinach, carrot and red cabbage – to create tie-dyed clothing.
Grow New Vegetables with Food Scraps
Grow your own vegetables with the scraps left over from your cooking.
Create a Plant Maze using Phototropism
See phototropism - the movement of a plant in response to light - in action with a DIY plant maze.
Growing Plants with Hydroponics
Grow plants with no soil needed! Make a hydroponic planter and see plants thrive in your own classroom or home.
Filter Groundwater with Plants
Learn about phytoremediation and how plants help clean our groundwater.