Plants to the Rescue! Youth Plant-mash Up Entries

Thousands of students across the country have the opportunity to flex their problem-solving muscles by participating in our Plants to the Rescue! Plant Mash-up Contest. Students identify challenges in their communities, then imagine their own plant hybrid solution. They describe and draw their own plant-based solution. Teachers can download the contest materials any time of the year to host the contest in their classrooms. To encourage broad student participation — and a chance for every student to be a winner — the contest includes a sweepstakes component, with the winner randomly selected from all entries.

We are excited to see what your students come up with! Send Seed Your Future your winners at [email protected] to be highlighted on our social media platforms. 


There were so many excellent ideas submitted, we are highlighting some of the best. These students will be the next green-collar professionals. They will be the horticulturists who will feed the world with food that is safe and nutritious; preserve native habitats; imagine landscapes and bring them to life; tend to landscapes that welcome us home and invite us outdoors to play; soothe and delight with flowers and foliage; inspire wonder and experiment; and ensure the future of our planet!

View entries from a previous year: