Emerging green-collar pros, job-seekers, and college students - you are invited to join us for a free breakfast and networking event at the Philadelphia Flower Show. Meet prominent horticulture professionals to discover and learn about the almost 100 careers in the art, science, technology and business of plants.
We'll start with a brief panel discussion, and then you'll be able to choose to meet with horticulture pros in small groups to learn more about what they do, how and where they got their education, and the job prospects for your future.
If you're working at your school's exhibit booth that day, you can take turns and drop into the event when you'd like. If you're not working the booth that day, a free ticket to the show for the entire day is included.
This is a casual event with free food and beverages and a great opportunity for you to talk with people in a fun and relaxed environment.
(Educators - you can sign up your students as a group by completing the RSVP at the right and indicating how many students will attend.)
Check out the people you'll get to meet!
Check out our video invitation!
1101 Arch St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
United States
Google map and directions