Erin Nessmith


Erin Nessmith

Erin Nessmith is a seasoned formal and non-formal educator with a diverse background in the field of agriculture and education.  A double graduate from the University of Florida, Erin has dedicated her career to cultivating knowledge and fostering a love for learning. As a former agriculture teacher, she brought the subject to life through experiential learning, firmly believing that hands-on experiences enhance understanding and learning. Erin also spent three-years as a teacher educator at the university level, encouraging classroom teaching strategy diversification.

A firm believer that everything can be learned if given the proper channels, support, encouragement, and connections, Erin is not only an advocate for knowledge acquisition but also for the holistic development of each learner. Erin will serve as the program coordinator for the Seed to STEM Professional Development experience and onsite facilitator. Erin resides in Georgia with her Husband, two kids, a Lab/Dane Doggo (Delilah) and a slew of farm cats. Erin loves to craft, watch her kids do all the things they love, and watch x-files with her hubs! Life’s motto, “Today is a good day. I’m excited to make it great.”