Business Owner

A business owner is the proprietor of a company that provides a service or product to consumers. A list of some of the plant-related businesses are below.

  • Aeroponics Business Owner - An aeroponics business owner is the proprietor of a company that grows plants without soil; generally by suspending them above sprays that moisten their roots with water and nutrients. Also called hydroponics.
  • Aquaponics Business Owner - An aquaponics business owner is the proprietor of a company that grows and harvests fish and plants for human consumption.
  • Floral Shop Owner - A floral shop owner is in business to design, create and sell floral arrangements to customers.
  • Garden Center Owner - A garden center owner is the proprietor of a retail operation that sells plants and related products for the domestic garden as its primary business.
  • Greenhouse Owner - A greenhouse owner is the proprietor of a retail or wholesale business that grows plants in a greenhouse.
  • Hydroponics Business Owner - An hydroponics business owner grows and harvests fish and plants for human consumption.
  • Landscape Design Business Owner - A landscape design business owner is the proprietor of a company that designs outdoor spaces for beauty and functionality.
  • Lawn Care Business Owner - A lawn care business owner is a proprietor of a company that maintains lawns for commercial or residential customers.
  • Nursery Owner - A nursery owner is the proprietor of a business that propagates, grows and sells plants to customers.


No formal education is required, however, many business owners have an Associate's, Bachelor's or a Master of Business Administration (MBA). 

Additional experience or certification in the company field may be necessary.


For 2- and 4-year college and university programs across the country, visit our Where to Study page.


In May 2020, the median yearly salary for a small business owner was $65,016, according to For more information, visit's Business Owner Profile.



Learn how Alison Newstead started her business, Stôk Floral & Design Inc.